Common name:
name and synonyms: Tachia Aubl.,
Hist. Pl.
Guiane 75 (1775)
Species: 13
tropical south America, primarily in the western and northern Amazon
Basin and on the Guayana Shield; one species in Costa Rica.
Lowland and middle elevation rainforests, savannas.
Small trees or shrubs, often with hollow and yellow branches. Leaves
opposite, either with pinnate or arcuate venation. Flower in leaf
axils, without bracts, solitary, and sessile or nearly so, 5-merous,
slightly zygomorphic. Calyx fused at base, sometimes more, yellow,
tubular, sometimes keeled. Corollas tubular to salvershaped, with
long corolla tube, yellow, cream, orange, or greenish. Stamens
inserted far down in corolla tube, filaments of unequal length, anthers
recurved after anthesis. Pollen in monads (single pollen grains).
Pistil with nectaries at base (disk), style long and slender, stigma
bilamellate. Capsules opening in two halves, woody.
and related plants: Tachia belongs to the Macrocarpaea
clade in the tribe Helieae, and is most closely related to
and Chorisepalum.
uses: Tachia is used in Brazil for medicinal purposes.
Notes: This
is an easily recognized genus because of its solitary, axillary flowers,
woody habit, and long corolla tubes. Ants are often living inside the
hollow stems.
species (synonyms in parenthesis) and their distribution:
Tachia gracilis
Benth. |
Venezuela, Guyana? |
Tachia grandiflora |
Brazil, French Guiana |
Tachia grandifolia
Maguire & Weaver |
northern Brazil, southern Venezuela |
Aubl. |
French Guiana, Guyana,
Suriname |
Tachia longipes |
Suriname |
Tachia loretensis |
Peru |
Tachia occidentalis |
Colombia, western Brazil, Peru |
Tachia parviflora |
Colombia to Bolivia +
Costa Rica |
Tachia schomburgkiana
Benth. |
Venezuela, Guyana |
Tachia smithii |
Guyana, northern Brazil |
and publications:
L. & P. J. M. Maas. 1998. A new species of Tachia
(Gentianaceae) from Suriname. Brittonia 50: 11-18.
B. & R. E. Weaver, Jr. 1975. The neotropical genus Tachia (Gentianaceae). J. Arnold. Arb. 56: 103-125.
L., J. W. Kadereit, J. Klackenberg, S. Nilsson, M. Thiv, K. B. von Hagen,
& V. A. Albert. 2002. Systematics, character evolution, and
biogeography of Gentianaceae, including a new tribal and subtribal
classification. Pp. 21-309. In: L. Struwe & V. A. Albert (eds.),
Gentianaceae: Systematics and Natural History, Cambridge University Press,
L., P. J. M. Maas, & V. A. Albert. 1997. Aripuana
cullmaniorum, a new genus and species of Gentianaceae from
white-sands of southeastern Amazonas, Brazil. Harvard Pap. Bot. 2:
L., P. J. M. Maas, O. Pihlar, & V. A. Albert. 1999. Gentianaceae. Pp.
474-542. In: P. E. Berry, K. Yatskievych, & B. K. Holst, editors.
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, vol. 5. Missouri Botanical Garden, St.
Louis. (images)

© Lena Struwe, 2005