What is a
Gentian is a
kind of plant that belongs to the gentian family. Gentians can be small,
tiny plants or very large trees, and everything in between. There are over
1600 species of gentians in the world.
Who eats
Gentians are very
bitter so not many animals eat them. The most bitter chemical
substance on Earth comes from a gentian.
What does a
look like?
All gentians have
flowers and fruits, because they are flowering plants. They can be trees,
shrubs, lianas, or herbs. They have leaves
that sit on the stem in pairs, opposite each other. The leaf edge is
always smooth. Usually their flowers have sepals at the base that
are fused into a cup, and petals fused at the base to form a
bell-shaped or trumpet-shaped tube, the corolla. The stamens, the
parts in the flower that have pollen in them, are on long stalks and are
attached to the inside of the petals. The ovary, the part that will
become the fruit with seeds in it after pollination, is a slender thing in
the middle of the flower that you can see well, and it has one style on
top. On the very top of the style are two sticky small lobes that the
pollen lands on, called a stigma.
Examples of gentians:

from China
Eustoma from USA
Tachia from Peru
Where can you find
You can find gentians
on all continents of the world, except Antarctica. But they are
usually not common so they can be hard to find if you don't know where to
look. They like sunny spots like mountains, meadows, and savannas,
but some grow in the deep dark rain forest.
Can I grow
Gentians are very hard
to grow because many of them live in symbiosis with fungi in the soil.
Some of them you can grow in rock gardens, and a few species are
cultivated and sold in flower stores as pot plants (Prairie Gentians and
Persian Violet, for example). Never dig up a wild gentian, it will not
survive in your garden or inside in a pot. Instead, buy a gentian
from a flower shop. Unfortunately even the potted gentians from stores die
after a little while and never lives for years.
What are
used for?
Many gentians are used
by people as herbal medicines. They pick the plants, dry them and
make them into medicines for fever, malaria, snake bites, infections, and
stomach aches. In some countries people put gentian plants in
alcohol and make bitter drinks from them.

old gentian
medicine advertisement for gentian
bitter from France
Who studies
Gentians are studied
by several kinds of scientists. Botanists study the wild species and
their evolution, how they have changed through time and become different
species. Botanists also describe new species and work in
laboratories to look at the DNA and detailed characters of different
species. This web site is made mostly for botanists and other that are
interested in wild gentians.
scientists studies how gentians can be used as medicines and what
chemicals that occur in them. There are also some scientists that
try to breed gentians so they become even prettier and can be grown and
sold easier. Field botanists and ecologists study how gentians grow in the
wild and what can be done to protect their habitats so they will not die
Why should we care
There are many kinds
of gentians in the world, but most gentians only grow in a very small
area. They grow nowhere else in the world. Therefore, if they
go extinct there, they will be extinct all over the world. Gentians
also have evolved for a very long time, maybe 60 million years, so they
were on Earth long before humans. They have evolved into a diversity
of shapes and colors together with their environment and animals in that
is the smallest?
The smallest gentian
can barely be found. There are several gentians that are very tiny.
One of these is called Comastoma tenella, and is named after that
it is so tiny (=tenella). It grows in the Arctic, where the summers are
really short and it lives only one year.
is the largest?
The largest gentian
must be the rain forest trees in the Fagraea group. They grow in Southeast
Asia and can be up to 30 meter (100 feet) tall. That is as tall as about
twenty kids on top of each other. These trees have very good timber that
doesn't rot in water and therefore people use them as poles for their
houses that stands on poles in flooded areas.
What colors can
their flowers be?
Gentian flowers can be
all colors of the rainbow. And white, brown, and black too!
Many people think that
gentians are mostly blue, but that is only the common color in the
Gentiana group from the Alps and Himalayas.
Why is it called
They are named after
King Gentius who lived during the time of the Roman Empire in what is
today's Albania. One story is that he was the one that found out that
gentians can be used at medicines, but gentians probably had been used
long before then by people in Europe and Asia.
Are there any
Well, maybe no gentian
is as famous as Harry Potter. But there is a gentian named after Harry
Potter's adventures, the Apparating Moon-gentian from South America.
Click here to see photos or to
read more.

The Apparating
Moon-gentian, Macrocarpaea apparata,,found for
the first time in the mountain rainforest in Ecuador in 2001 by Jason R.
Grant (on the photo) and Lena Struwe.
Why do
have Latin names?
Every species on Earth
has a Latin name consisting of two words, like Homo sapiens
for humans. The first is the genus name, which is the group the species
belongs to, and the second is the species name. They are often written in
italics (cursive).
different species never have the same Latin name combination - all Latin
names are unique. Latin names are used all over the world by scientists.
That way scientists can talk about the same species, even if these species
have different names in French, English, Spanish, or Chinese.
Latin names often tell something about a species, for example Gentiana
lutea is named lutea after its yellow flowers (lutea =yellow). People
have named species after places and people too, and here is a
web site by Mark Isaak
explaining funny Latin names.
Show me a gentian
from North America! Fringed gentian (Gentianopsis)
Show me a gentian
from South America! Ring-gentian (Symbolanthus)
Show me a gentian
from Africa! Fever tree (Anthocleista)
Show me a gentian
from Europe! Yellow gentian (Gentiana
Show me a gentian
from Asia! Tembusu and pua keni keni (Fagraea)
You can
the grown-up pages:
stamps with gentians
how to grow gentians
pictures of gentians
what is gentians?
medicines with gentians
how do gentians look like?
endangered gentians

© Lena Struwe and Astrid
Albert, 2005