Nepal, a central segment of
Himalayan mountain systems, is rich in species diversity of Swertia
due to its transitional location between the Paleoartic and Indo-Malayan
realms, and a great variety of physiographical characteristics and abundant
diverse ecosystems within a short span of space. The meadow, open forest and
scrub ecosystems of the mountainous areas of Eastern, Central and Western
Region of the country are the suitable habitats of the species.
Taxonomy of Swertia
The circumscription of
Swertia has been subject to major change ever since its establishment.
The identification and systematic arrangement of the species have carried
out based only on morphological characteristics. These works show
controversy in species and varieties boundaries. Some species are excluded
in the respective groups and some are placed as synonyms and some new
species added to the family. Recently, Joshi and Joshi (2008) have published
the checklist of Swertia. Table 1 presents the 31 species of
Swertia with varieties and their distribution in Nepal.
Table 1. Species of
Swertia and their distribution in Nepal.
Source: Joshi and Joshi (2008)
Botanical names
(* Endemic species) |
Nepali Name |
(Altitude & Region)
C= Central Region
W=Western Region
E = Eastern Region |
* Swertia acaulis
H. Sm. |
3700-5500 m., C & E |
Swertia alata
(Royle ex D.Don) C.B. Clarke |
Chiraito |
2000-3600 m., W & C |
Swertia alternifolia
Royle |
3000-4000 m., C |
Swertia angustifolia
Buch.-Ham ex
D. Don
S. angustifolia var angustifolia
S. angustifolia var. pulchella (D.Don) Burkill
S. angustifolia var. wallichiana Burkill. |
Chiraito, Bhale chiraito, Gotha Tite. |
600-2600 m. , W,C.&.
2000 m, W,C &E.
600 m, C & E |
Swertia barunensis
P. Chassot |
4200 m, E. |
Swertia bimaculata
(Sieb. & Zucc) C. B.
Clarke |
Chiraito,Tite |
900-2700 m., E. |
Swertia candelabrum
H. Sm. |
4800 m.,C. |
Swertia chirayita
(Roxb. ex Fleming) H. Karstrn |
Chiraito, Tite, Pothi chiraito. |
1500-2500 m., C & E. |
Swertia ciliata
(D. Don ex G. Don) B. L.
Burtt = S. purpurascens Clarke |
Chiraito, Kalo Chiraito |
2800-4000 m.,W, C, & E |
Swertia cordata
(G. Don) C.B.Clarke |
2000-3000 m., W, C & E. |
Swertia cuneata
D. Don |
Pyaaji Chiraito |
3900-5000 m., W, C, &E. |
Swertia dilatata
C. B. Clarke
S. dilatata var. dilatata
S. dilatata var. pilosa C.B. Clarke
Chiraito, Sirlinge |
1800-4000 m, E.
2000-3000 m, C. |
Swertia hispidicalyx
Burkill |
4000-4200 m, C. |
Swertia hookeri
C.B. Clarke |
3800-4300 m., E. |
Swertia kingii
Hook. f. |
Chiraito |
3100-4500 m., C & E. |
lurida (D. Don. ex G. Don) C.B.
Clarke |
2500 m., W & C. |
Swertia macrosperma
(C.B. Clarke) C.B. Clarke |
2000-3200 m., C & E. |
Swertia multicaulis
D. Don |
Chiraito, Sermaguru |
4000-4900 m, C & E. |
Swertia nepalensis
J. Shah |
3850 m, C. |
Swertia nervosa
(G. Don) C. B. Clarke |
Chiraito, Tite, Kalo horaito, Aullo ghans |
700-3000 m., W, C, & E . |
Swertia paniculata
= Swertia gracilescens H. Sm
= S. griffthii Clarke |
Chiraito, Tite |
1500-4000 m., W, C & E. |
Swertia pedicellata
Banerji |
Chiraito |
E. |
Swertia petiolata
D. Don |
5600 m., W. |
Swertia pseudo-hookeri
H. Smith |
m, E. |
Swertia racemosa
(Griseb.) C.B. Clarke |
Chiraito |
W, C, & E. |
Swertia ramose
W.W. Sm. |
4100 m., E. |
Swertia speciosa
D. Don
= S. perfoliata G. Don. |
Chiraito |
1400-3000 m.,W, C, & E. |
Swertia staintonii
H. Sm. |
3800-4400 m., E. |
Swertia teres
(G. Don) J.
Shah |
3000-5000 m., W, C, & E. |
Swertia tetragona
Edgew. |
2400-3300 m., W. |
Swertia wardii
C. Marquand |
E. |
Swertia shows wide range of morphological
variation within and among the population, resulting a considerable
uncertainty about the delimitation of species (Photos 1- 14). Recently, more
initiatives have been taken to phylogenetic study of the species on the
basis of molecular differences. Chassot et al. (2001) have studied
the DNA sequencing of some Nepalese species of Swertia (S.
bimaculata, S. chirayita, S. ciliata, S. cordata, S. aff. pseudohookeri).
Similarly, molecular differentiation of 11 Nepalese species: S.
angustifolia, S. chirayita, S. ciliata, S. dilatata, S. lurida,, S.
macrosperma, S. multicaulis, S. nervosa, S. paniculata, S. pedicillata,
and S. racemosa have been investigated by Joshi in 2008 (Joshi and
Li, 2008).
Biogeography of Swertia
Swertia species are widely distributed in hills
and mountains of the Eastern, Central and Western Regions. Out of 75
districts of the country, Swertia species have documented from 54
districts so far (Fig.1). Such wide distribution of the species of
Swertia and other plant communities could also be highlighted with the
help of recent evidence of the geological past of the Asian region and
migration of species from the neighboring continents. However, as there are
no fossil records relating to the Swertia and other species of
Gentianaceae in Nepal, it is not possible to discuss the biogeographical
distribution from the palynological point of view. But formation of Tibetan
Plateau and upliftment of Himalayas and other mountain ranges (Karakoram,
Kunlun Shan, Tian Shan, Hengduan mountains) due to collision of
Deccan Plate with the southern Laurasia coastline at about 45 million years
BP in Eocene times and geobotanical development of the Himalaya might have
changed climatic patterns and encounter some important changes with the
dispersal and distribution of plants. At present, it is difficult to
interpret these issues due to lack of data and information on inter and
intraspecies linkages. Priority should be given to integrated study of the
taxa and its eco-distribution for a conclusive biogeographic
The rural
people rely on some Swertia species for their primary healthcare and
treatment of diseases. Recently, Joshi (2008) has documented the medicinal
uses of some species of Swertia (Table 2). Among the species, S.
chirayita is important for its medicinal properties. Adulteration of
chiraito with other low quality species of Swertia and other related
species are very common in the trade of chiraito.
Table 2.
Ethnomedicinal uses of some species of Swertia,
Joshi (2008)
Botanical name |
Nepali name |
Uses |
Swertia angustifolia Buch.-Ham
ex D. Don |
Chiraito, Bhale
chiraito, Gotha Tite. |
Plant is crushed and boiled in water
and two teaspoonful decoction is given to treat malaria fever 2-3
times a day; root juice is taken to give relief from cold and cough |
Swertia chirayita
(Roxb. ex Fleming) H. Karstrn
Chiraito, Tite, Pothi chiraito.
The plants are dipped in water
overnight and the bitter juice is taken the next morning to cure
malarial fever; decoction of the plant is used as tonic that influence
on the digestive organs and also used as anathelmatic, especially for
children; Juice of the root is taken to cure liver diseases; paste of
the plant is also used in common ailments like cough, cold, asthma,
headache and fever; roots crushed and paste rubbed over joints for
quick relief; leaves warmed and paste prepared with mustard oil applied
over boils and scabies. |
Swertia ciliata
(D. Don ex G. Don) B.L. Burtt |
Chiraito, Kalo Chiraito |
Decoction of plant is given three
times a day for 5-7 days to control cough, cold and fever. Plant is
also used as a substitute for S. chirayita. |
Swertia dilatata
C.B. Clarke
Chiraito, Sirlinge |
Paste is applied locally to get
relief from joint pains; extract is used to treat scabies; juice of plant is taken orally twice a day before meal to treat fever and
headache |
Swertia multicaulis D. Don
Chiraito, Sarma guru (Sarmagu) |
Plant ground and paste applied over
wounds for healing; two to three teaspoonful of decoction of plant is
given twice a day to cure fever, cough and cold; decoction of plant
is also given for 2-3 days as anthelmintic. |
Swertia nervosa (Will. Ex G.
Don) C.B. Clarke
Chiraito, Tite, Kalo
Choraito, Aullo ghans |
Decoction of root is applied in skin
diseases; plant is crushed and boiled in water and two teaspoonful
decoction is given twice a day in empty stomach to treat malaria fever;
extract of the plant is also given in the morning to cure ‘Gano” (Gasball)
and stomach problem |
Swertia paniculata Wall.
Chiraito, Tite |
Decoction of the plant is used as
tonic; plant is also used as substitute for S. chirayita in the treatment of malarial and other fever. |
Swertia pedicellata Banerji
Plant paste is applied externally on
forehead to get relief from headache. |
Swertia racemosa (Wall. ex
Griseb.) C.B. Clarke
Plant is tonic; two teaspoons of
decoction of plant is given twice a day to treat fever and cough; paste
of the plant is applied locally to treat eczema and pimples; juice of
aerial part is taken orally twice a day before meals to treat jaundice. |
Strategy for Future Actions
Despite the implementation of
various activities for the conservation of the species and their habitats,
there is still a gap on our knowledge. Therefore, the following strategies
have been recommended for sustainable management of plant resources in an
environmentally sound way.
1. Formulation of Policy, Action
Plan and Programs related to the conservation and sustainable uses of the
economic and useful plants, especially Swertia species.
2. Intensive inventory and documentation
of the useful species with indigenous uses, knowledge and practices
3. Research on molecular phylogenetics, biogeography and chemical
constituents and
4. Implementation of integrated action activities:
Initiate domestication and cultivation of Swertia species.
This will help in providing additional income and benefits to local people
contributing to
poverty alleviation and sustainable
development of the resources.
(b) Conservation of the species i.e. in-situ and ex- situ
(c) Awareness activities and involvement of local people in the
integrated management of habitats and species.
Information by:
Kunjani Joshi,
Dept. of Botany, Patan Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal,
at present Harvard
University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA, USA;

Chassot, P., Nemomissa, S.,
Yuan, Y.M. and Kupfer, P. 2001. High paraphyly of Swertia L.
(Gentianaceae) in the Gentianella-lineage as revealed by nuclear and
chloroplast DNA variation. Plant Syst. Evol. 229: 1-21.
Joshi, K. 2008. Swertia
L. (Gentianaceae) in Nepal: Ethnobotany and Agenda for sustainable
management, Environmental Leaflets 12: 1-6.
Joshi, A.R. and Joshi, K.
2008. Swertia L. (Gentianaceae) in Nepal Himalaya — Checklist,
Phytogeography, Ethnobotany and Conservation Status, Environmental Leaflets
12 :357-368.
Joshi, K., and J. Li. 2008.
Phylogenetics of Swertia L.( Gentianaceae-Swertiinae) and Molecular
Differentiation of Swertia Species in Nepalese Medicinal Herbs.
Poster Presentation, Botany 2008 conference, August, Vancouver, Canada. (pdf)

Photos: ©Kunjani
Joshi et al. (Kunjani Joshi, D.P. Rijal
and A.R. Joshi)

RESEARCH NETWORK does not endorse or encourage the use of gentians or
gentian-derived products for any medicinal purposes or as a cure for
specific diseases and ailments. The information is listed here for
educational purposes only. The health value and safety of any of these
plants and products has not been evaluated by us and we do not recommend
any of them for medicinal use.
© Kunjani Joshi, 2008