Common name:
Chirata, Chirayta,
Chiretta, Frasera, Green Gentian, Indian Balmony, Indian Gentian,
Kirata-Tikta, Star gentian, Star Green-gentian, Green gentian, Felwort (see
also list of Nepalese names).
name and synonyms: Swertia
Linnaeus (1753)
Etymology: Swertia
is named in honor of Emanuel Sweert (rarely spelled Swert, 1552–1612), a
Dutch gardener and illustrator who published an important florilegium in the
early 1600s [Corneliuson, 1997].
ca. 135 species. This group is currently being investigated by Philippe
Temperate areas in Asia (100 spp.), Africa (30 spp.), Europe (3 spp.),
North America (1 sp.), and Madagascar (1 sp.).
Marshes, grassland, meadows, open places.
Herbs, annual or perennial. Leaves opposite, or rarely whorled or
alternate. Flowers 4-5-merous in racemes, panicles or soitary. Calyx
rotate, without intracalycine membrane. Corolla with very short corolla
tube, making corolla rotate, with 1-2 nectaries per corolla lobe.
Nectaries often with fimbriae (hair-like appendages) or scales.
Stamens inserted between the corolla lobes with hairs at the base. Style
long, short or absent; stigma bilobed. Capsule oblong with winged or
unwinged seeds.
and related plants: Swertia
is not a monophyletic genus and related genera include Gentianella and
Halenia. Current studies by Philippe Chassot investigate the
complicated taxonomy within this group and how to best define monophyletic
clades in subtribe Swertiinae (tribe Gentianeae).
Notes: The
American genus Frasera has been included in Swertia by some
botanists, but this is not supported by phylogenetic data.
and publications:
P. 2000. Phylogenetic position of the genus Swertia
(Gentianaceae) in the subtribe Swertiinae. Amer. J. Bot. 87 (suppl.):
Chassot, P., Nemomissa, S.,
Yuan, Y.M. and Kupfer, P. 2001. High paraphyly of Swertia L.
(Gentianaceae) in the Gentianella-lineage as revealed by nuclear and
chloroplast DNA variation. Plant Syst. Evol. 229: 1-21.
M. A. 1899b. Les Swertia et quelques autres Gentianees de la Chine. Bull. Soc. Bot.
France 46: 302-324.
T. C. E. 1923. Die Swertia-Arten
der afrikanischen Hochgebirge. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 77:
R. 1973. A synopsis of the genus Swertia (Gent.) in Malesia. Blumea 21: 179-183.
T. N., C. Y. Xue, & W. Wang. 1994. The origin, dispersal and formation
of the distribution pattern of Swertia L. (Gentianaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32(6): 525-537.
Joshi, K. 2008. Swertia
L. (Gentianaceae) in Nepal: Ethnobotany and Agenda for sustainable
management, Environmental Leaflets 12: 1-6.
Joshi, A.R. and Joshi, K.
2008. Swertia L. (Gentianaceae) in Nepal Himalaya — Checklist,
Phytogeography, Ethnobotany and Conservation Status, Environmental Leaflets
12 :357-368.
Joshi, K., and J. Li. 2008.
Phylogenetics of Swertia L.( Gentianaceae-Swertiinae) and Molecular
Differentiation of Swertia Species in Nepalese Medicinal Herbs.
Poster Presentation, Botany 2008 conference, August, Vancouver, Canada. (pdf)
Z. 1970. Eine kritische-taxonomische Übersicht der Gattung Swertia
in Europa. Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 16(1): 53-60.
T. N. & S. R. Tandon. 1963. Cytological, morphological and pollination
studies on some Himalayan species of Swertia.
Caryologia (Pisa) 16: 445-477.
V. 1961. Notulae de genere Swertia
L. Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. nauk S. S. S. R. 21:
D. M. 1956. Studies in the Gentianaceae: Frasera and Swertia
of North America. University of California, Berkeley. Ph.D.
D. M. 1958. Studies in Gentianaceae. I. Nodal anatomy of Frasera
and Swertia perennis. Botanical Gazette. 120(1):1-14.
Y. 1944. Species Swertiae nipponenses. J. Jap. Bot. 20: 334-344.
Tom. 1999. Two occurrences of desert elkweed Swertia albomarginata
(S. Watson) Kuntze Gentianaceae in the Mid Hills, Mojave National
Preserve, San Bernardino County, California. Abstracts from Proceedings:
The 1999 Desert Reseach Symposium. San Bernardino County Museum Quarterly.
46(2) 1999
J. 1990. Taxonomic studies in the genus Swertia
L. Gentianaceae monograph (part 1). Sci. Khyber 3: 17-114.
J. 1992. Taxonomic studies in the genus Swertia
L. Gentianaceae monograph (part 2). Sci. Khyber 5: 117-231.
N. 1998. A synopsis of Swertia (Gentianaceae) in east and northeast tropical Africa. Kew
Bull. 53: 419-436.
H. 1970. New or little known Himalayan species of Swertia
and Veratrilla (Gentianaceae).
Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Bot.) 4: 239-258.
John, H. 1941. Revision of the genus Swertia
(Gentianaceae) of the Americas and the reduction of Frasera. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 26(1): 1-29.
P. F. & J. M. Baskin. 1978. Swertia
caroliniensis or Frasera caroliniensis.
Castanea 43: 20-22.
L., J. W. Kadereit, J. Klackenberg, S. Nilsson, M. Thiv, K. B. von Hagen,
& V. A. Albert. 2002. Systematics, character evolution, and
biogeography of Gentianaceae, including a new tribal and subtribal
classification. Pp. 21-309. In: L. Struwe & V. A. Albert (eds.),
Gentianaceae: Systematics and Natural History, Cambridge University Press,

© Lena Struwe, 2004