Common name: Latin
name and synonyms: Adenolisianthus (Progel)
Gilg in Engl. & Prantl, Nat.
Pflanzenfam. 4(2): 98 (1895)
Synonym: “Lisianthus” sect. Adenolisianthus
Etymology: After aden- (Greek for gland), lisi-
(for smooth or even, not ridged or hairy), and -anthus
meaning "gland-bearing and smooth flower".
one, Adenolisianthus arboreus.
A small area in the river basins of Rio Negro and Rio Vaupes in
northwestern Brazil, southern Venezuela and southern Colombia in South
Lowland, white-sand savanna, also called Amazon caatinga.
Characteristics: Shrubs
or subshrubs, leaves crowded towards branch apices. Leaves
sessile, broadly obovate, widest at or above middle (rarely ovate). Inflorescences terminal,
many-flowered, with long-stalked, monochasial branches (flowers one by one on one side
of the branch), with scale-like bracts. Flowers 5-merous, horizontal or
nodding. Calyx campanulate, thick and leathery, persistent
in fruit; calyx lobes with a dorsal glandular ridge. Corolla broadly
funnelshaped, leathery, greenish-yellow, with rounded lobes. Stamens
inserted far into the corolla tube; filaments sometimes
strongly bent close to the anther. Anthers slightly bent. Pollen released as tetrads.
Style long, slender;
stigma bilamellate. Capsules nodding.
and related plants:
Adenolisianthus belongs to the tribe Helieae,
and its closest relative has not yet been identified.
uses: None known.
species (synonyms in parenthesis) and their distribution:
arboreus (Spruce ex Progel) Gilg
arboreus Spruce ex Progel; Helia arborea (Spruce ex Progel)
Kuntze; Irlbachia alata subsp. arborea (Spruce ex Progel)
J.G.M. Pers. & Maas;
Chelonanthus fruticosus
Maguire & Boom)
(images) |
Venezuela, Colombia |
and publications:
E. 1895. Gentianaceae. Pp. 50-180. In: A. Engler & K. Prantl,
editors. Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, vol. 4(2). Verlag von Wilhelm
Engelmann, Leipzig.
L., J. W. Kadereit, J. Klackenberg, S. Nilsson, M. Thiv, K. B. von Hagen,
& V. A. Albert. 2002. Systematics, character evolution, and
biogeography of Gentianaceae, including a new tribal and subtribal
classification. Pp. 21-309. In: L. Struwe & V. A. Albert (eds.),
Gentianaceae: Systematics and Natural History, Cambridge University Press,
L., P. J. M. Maas, O. Pihlar, & V. A. Albert. 1999. Gentianaceae. Pp.
474-542. In: P. E. Berry, K. Yatskievych, & B. K. Holst, editors.
Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, vol. 5. Missouri Botanical Garden, St.
Louis. (images)

© Lena Struwe, 2004