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Enicostema litorale
herbal summary
(Gentianaceae: Potalieae: Faroinae:
Enicostema litorale)

{this is extracted from a report by Janna Weiss to the Israeli government
and posted here for scientific and informational purposes only. ]
1. Identity and ingredients
of the product:
Product description Name:
Latin names:
Enicostema littorale Blume (=Enicostema axillare subsp. littorale (Blume) A.
Raynal), Enicostema axillare (Lam.) A. Raynal, Family: Gentianaceae (Gentian
Part used: Whole plant
Clear description of the
product. The product is a whole plant native to tropical Africa, India,
Southeast Asia and Malaysia (Struwe 2004; Africa to Lesser Sunda Islands,
Mabberley 1987:205).
Detailed description of
the plant. Erect perennial herb, 5–30 cm. tall, simple or branched at
the base. Stem cylindric, glabrous with a decurrent ridge below each leaf.
Leaves sessile (sometimes narrowed into a petiole-like base), longer than
the internodes; lamina (1)5–8 x 0.3–1 cm., linear to lanceolate or narrowly
oblong, entire, obtuse and mucronate at the apex, somewhat narrowing towards
the base, 3-nerved from the base, glabrous. Inflorescence in many flowered
axillary clusters, numerous in the axils of each pair of leaves. Flowers
white with green lines, drying yellowish, sessile or subsessile; bracts
long, shorter than the calyx, lanceolate-acuminate, carinate. Calyx tube 1–2
mm. long; lobes usually unequal, 0.7–1.5(2) x 0.4–0.7 mm., triangular to
lanceolate, acute at the apex and narrowly scarious at the margin, or
obovate to subcircular, obtuse and mucronate at the apex, with wide scarious
margin. Corolla tube 3.5–6 mm. long; lobes 1.5–2 x 0.7–1 mm., ovate and
abruptly narrowing to an acute or mucronate apex. Stamens inserted below the
sinuses, just above the middle of the tube; filaments 1.5–2.3 mm. long, with
a double hood at the insertion point; anthers. 1 mm. long, erect, shortly
apiculate. Ovary 5–6 x 1 mm., ovoid; style 2–2.5 mm. long, subulate; stigma
subcapitate. Capsule 3–4.5 x 2–2.5 mm., obovoid. Seeds 0.4–0.5 mm. in diam.,
subglobose, reticulate faveolate. (Paivera and Noguiera 1990)
Product composition.
The product consists of the whole dried plant only.
Generic synonyms for
Enicostema: Adenema G. Don Enicostemma Stead. Henicostemma Endl.
Hipponium Kuntze
Common names (Nadkarni
1976: 485): Ayurvedic medical: Mamejava , Mamejav, Mamejavo, Mamjjak,
Mamejva; Hindi/Hindustani: Kariyatu, Chota-kirayat, Chota-chiretta,
Chota-chirayata; Bombay: Kada-vinayi, Manucha; Tamil: Vallari Telugu:
Nela-guli, Nela-gulimidi; Additional names: Gormadi koora (In the UK product
description for Glucostat, Maharishi Ayurveda Products (2006), incorrectly
refers to E. littorale as Indian Gentian; this English common name generally
refers to Swertia spp. Whitehead is a common name that applies to E.
verticillatum, in the New World.)
Other species known by
these names (and can cause confusion):
E. verticillatum is a New World species whose name is sometimes confused
with E. littorale, but is unlikely to contaminate E. littorale originating
in India, Africa or Malaysia.
Methods of preventing this kind of confusion in the process
of manufacturing and preventive measures in the contamination of the
product: Adherence to nomenclatural accuracy should resolve any confusion
regarding this plant.
Description of the plant
parts in the ingredients: The whole plant may contain stems, leaves,
fruits, flowers, and roots.
Plant extracts: The
product consists of the whole dried plant in its natural form; there is no
extraction process.
Animal, micoorganismal,
fungal or algal components: The product is a plant and does not consist
of any animals, microorganisms, fungi or algae or parts thereof.
Chemical components:
The product is a plant and is not a chemical component.
2. Legislative status in
country of origin (if product is being imported) and from other countries:
"Certificate of free sale" from the origin country of manufacturing – Not
List or countries that
prohibit or restrict the usage of this ingredient: No prohibition or
restriction was found in the following regulatory lists: Australian
Pharmacopeia Danish Pharmacopoeia European Pharmacopoeia Japanese
3. Purpose of the product
and its ingredients:
The plant is included
in plant mixtures intended as a food or food supplement. There are no
chemical manufacturing processes involved in the use of the dried whole
4. Proof of an existing
usage in foods:
Enicostema littorale is an uncultivated leafy green eaten in southern
India as a source of iron and calcium (Dalit Database 2006). Greens (quelites)
are important supplemental sources of nutrients such as iron, calcium,
magnesium, vitamin C, B vitamins, betacaroten, in traditional societies
(Deccan Development Society 2002). E. littorale, locally known as gorumadi,
or gorumadi koora, is eaten as a curry with pulses or other greens (Dalit
Database 2006).
In a clinical trial with 84 diabetic patients who ingested 2g
of E. littorale per day for 3 months, no adverse side effects were reported
(Upadhyay and Goyal 2004).
5. Proof of other usage,
including medical usage:
Israeli legislative status E. littorale does not appear on the Israeli
Ministry of Health medicinal plant, food or toxic substance lists.
Traditional medical use
E. littorale is traditionally used in India as a stomachic, bitter tonic,
laxative, carminative (Nadkarni 1976:485), to reduce fever and as a “tonic”
for appetite loss (Jensen and Schripsema 2002:611-612). Many other genera in
the gentian family have similar traditional uses worldwide (Jensen and
Schripsema 2002:611-612 lists species with similar uses worldwide; Weiss
1988:40-42 describes uses of European Gentian spp.). In Ayurvedic (India)
medicine, E. littorale is taken in combination with other herbs, especially
for diabetes (Upadhyay and Goyal 2004).
Medicinal use or other non-nutrition purposes of the
ingredients - Clinical trial E. littorale was administered in Ayurvedic pill
form (known as ghavantis) at a daily dosage of 2000 mg for three months to
84 patients with Type 2 Diabetes. E. littorale reduced blood glucose and
serum insulin levels, and significantly improved kidney function, lipid
profile, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate (Upadhyay and
Goyal 2004). No side effects were reported in this study.
6. Possible side-effects
from the product or its ingredients.
6.1 Known pharmacological
effects and mechanisms Pharmacological activity: E. littorale is known
to have antibacterial (Patel and Trivedi 1957), antiinflammatory (Maroo et
al. 2002, Sadique et al. 1987, van Rietschoten 1990), anti-cancer (Kavimani
et al. 2000, Maroo et al. 2002) and antidiabetic activity (Maroo et al.
2002). Maroo et al. (2002) found that E. littorale enhances
glucose-dependent insulin release. Swertiamarin, a secondary compound
present in E. littorale (Rai and Thakar 1966, Anwar et al. 1996), has
antispasmodic and anticholinergic activity (Yamahara et a. 1991). Outcome of
a human clinical study with E. littorale demonstrated significant
hypotensive, hypoglycemic, and hypolipidemic effects (Upadhyay and Goyal
2004). Swertiamarin has demonstrated antibacterial activity in vitro (Kumarasamy
et al. 2003).
Animal trials E.
littorale has demonstrated antiinflammatory activity (Sadique et al. 1987)
and tumor inhibition (Kavimani et al. 2000) in rats. Swertiamarin may have a
CNS depressant effect in rats (Bhattacharya et al. 1976). There are no
reported symptoms of overdose.
Chemical substances which
belong to the product include: secoiridoid compounds (not specified,
Jensen and Schripsema 2002:612) C-glucosides (not specified, Jensen and
Schripsema 2002:612) erythrocentaurin (Ghosal et al. 1974 cited in Jensen
and Schripsema 2002:612) swertiamarin (Rai and Thakar 1966, Anwar et al.
1996) .
Swertiamarin exhibited significant general toxicity in brine shrimp
lethality bioassay and the LD50 value was 8.0 microg/ml, whereas that of the
positive control podophyllotoxin, a well known cytotoxic lignan, was 2.79
microg/ml (Kumarasamy et al. 2003). Swertiamarin is metabolized by human
intestinal bacteria. Erythrocentaurin is one of the swertiamarin intestinal
metabolites (el-Sedawy et al. 1989). (For Gentiana lutea, with related
compounds, general recommendations (Newall et al. 1996:134) are that gentian
is “best avoided in pregnancy and lactation” and “excessive doses should be
avoided in view of the lack of toxicity data.” Tyler (1994:43-45) recommends
up to 4 g. of gentian tea daily.)
7. Daily consumption,
recommended or expected, of the product.
Recommended and expected daily dose Recommended dose is 2g per day
(based on Upadhyay and Goyal 2004). Expected daily dose in DBCare is 300mg.
Nutritional information:
According to a nutritional analysis of E. littorale by the National
Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, 100g fresh E.
littorale greens contain 140 Kcal energy, 7g protein, 0.7g fat, 26.5g
carbohydrates, 4.2g fiber, 8.4g minerals, 49.9mg iron, 1,641mg calcium, 81mg
phosphorous, and 53.2g moisture (Dalit Database 2006). Based on this
analysis, 100g of fresh E. littorale daily would be highly nutritious and
Possible exposure sources
for the ingredient: There are no other possible exposure sources to
swertiamarin or secoiridoids, except other plants in the Gentianaceae, not
normally encountered or ingested in foods or other commercial products.
8. Possible contaminants
in the product or its ingredients, and the control methods regarding them:
There are no known

and publications:
Anwar, M., Ahmad, M., Aslam, M.,
Aftab, K. Enicostema littorale: a new source of swertiamarin. Pakistani
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 9: 29-35. 1996.
Bhattacharya, S.K., Reddy, P.K.,
Ghosal, S., Singh A.K., Sharma, P.V. Chemical constituents of Gentianaceae
XIX: CNS-depressant effects of swertiamarin. Journal of Pharmaceutical
Sciences. 65:1547-1549. 1976.
Dalit Database. Community Food
System Data Table #200. Quebec, Canada: McGill University Centre for
Indigenous Nutrition and Environment (CINE). 2006.
Deccan Development Society.
Uncultivated foods and the poor. India Together 2002.(http://www.indiatogether.org/agriculture/dds/uncultivated.htm
(Retrieved November 8, 2006)
el-Sedawy, A.I., Shu Y.Z.,
Hattori, M., Kobashi K., Namba T. Metabolism of swertiamarin from Swertia
japonica by human intestinal bacteria. Planta Medica 55:147-150. 1989.
Ghosal, S., Singh, A. K.,
Sharma, P. V., Chaudhuri, R. H. Chemical constituents of Gentianaceae. IX.
Natural occurrence of erythrocentaurin in Enicostemma hyssopifolium and
Swertia lawii. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 63: 944-945. 1974.
Jensen, S.R., Schripsema, J.
Chemotaxonomy and pharmacology of Gentianaceae. In Gentianaceae: Systematics
and Natural History, Struwe, L., Albert V., eds. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press. 2002.
Kavimani, S., Manisenthlkumar,
K. T. Effect of methanolic extract of Enicostemma littorale on Dalton's
ascitic lymphoma. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 71:349-352. 2000.
Kumarasamy, Y., Nahar, L., Cox,
P. J., Jaspars, M., Sarker, S. D. Bioactivity of secoiridoid glycosides from
Centaurium erythraea. Phytomedicine 10:344-7. 2003. h
Maharishi Ayurveda Products.
Ayurveda Ltd. Lancashire, UK. 2006. http://www.maharishi.co.uk/productinfo/91407.pdf
(Retrieved November 7, 2006)
Mabberley, D. J. The Plant Book.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Maroo, J., Vasu, V.T., Aalinkeel,
R., Gupta, S. Glucose lowering effect of aqueous extract of Enicostemma
littorale Blume in diabetes: a possible mechanism of action. Journal of
Ethnopharmacology 81: 317-20. 2002.
Missouri Botanical Garden (MOBOT)
TROPICOS VAST (VAScular Tropicos) Nomenclatural Database. 2006. http://mobot.mobot.org/
(Retrieved November 7, 2006)
Nadkarni, A.K. Dr. K. M.
Nadkarni’s Indian Materia Medica, Vol. 1. Bombay: Popular Prakashan Private
Ltd. 1976.
Newall, C.A., Anderson, L.A.,
Phillipson, J.D. Herbal Medicines: A Guide for Health-care Professionals.
London: The Pharmaceutical Press. 1996.
Paivera, J., Nogueira, I.
Gentianaceae. Flora Zambesica, Vol. 7, Part 4. Kew, UK: Royal Botanical
Gardens. 1990. http://www.kew.org/efloras/namedetail.do?flora=fz&taxon=5776&nameid=14645
(Retrieved November 7, 2006)
Patel, R.P., Trivedi, B.M. The
in vitro antibacterial activity of extracts from Enicostema littorale.
Indian Journal of Medical Science 11: 887-91. 1957.
Rai, J. Thakar, K. A. Chemical
investigation of Enicostemma Littorale [sic] Blume. Current Science
35:148-149. 1966.
Sadique, J., Chandra, T.,
Thenmozhi, V., Elango, V. The anti-inflammatory activity of Enicostemma
littorale and Mollugo cerviana. Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology
37:167-176. 1987.
M. Srinivasan, M., Padmanabhan,
M., Prince, P. S. M. Effect of aqueous Enicostemma littorale Blume extract
on key carbohydrate metabolic enzymes, lipid peroxides and antioxidants in
alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
57:497-504. 2005.
Tyler, V.E. Herbs of Choice: The
Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals. New York: Haworth Press. 1994.
United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN).
Enicostema axillare. 2006. http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/splist.pl?4274
(Retrieved November 8, 2006)
United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Plants
Database. Enicostema vercillatum. 2006. http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=ENVE
(Retrieved November 8, 2006)
Upadhyay, U.M., Goyal, R.K.
Efficacy of Enicostemma littorale in type 2 diabetic patients. Phytotherapy
Research 18: 233-235. 2004. van Rietschoten, K. Plants with
anti-inflammatory action. British Journal of Phytotherapy 1: 11-18. 1990.
Weiss, R.F. Herbal Medicine.
Gothenburg, Sweden: AB Arcanum. 1988.
Yamahara, J., Kobayashi, M.,
Matsuda, H., Aoki, S. Anticholinergic action of Swertia japonica and an
active constituent. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 33:31-35. 1991.
RESEARCH NETWORK do not endorse or encourage the use of gentians or
gentian-derived products for any medicinal purposes or as a cure for
specific diseases and ailments. The information is listed here for
educational purposes only. The health value and safety of any of these
plants and products has not been evaluated by us and we do not recommend any
of them for medicinal use. |

© Janna Weiss, 2006 (jweiss@research.haifa.ac.il)
All photos and drawings are copyrighted by the photographer,
artist, or publisher - if you want to use them for any purpose you need to
get permission for each image. Contact the
source directly. Gentian Research Network does not give out permission for
use of photos posted on this site.